Meta Data

Primary Criteria
  • Inflation (Period Average) refers to sustained increase in general level of price levels of goods and services.
  • Fiscal Deficit/GDP (including grant) is the excess of total expenditure (net lending) less total revenue of government as a percentage of GDP.
  • Central Bank Financing of Fiscal Deficit/previous year’s Tax revenue is defined as change in net claims on government on the summary accounts of central bank,
  • Gross External Reserves in months of imports refers to foreign exchange reserves divided by the monthly average of current year’s imports of goods and services. The reserves include Central Bank holdings of: Monetary gold, foreign currencies, SDRs, Reserves with the IMF and Foreign securities.
Secondary Criteria
  • Inflation (Period Average) Exchange Rate Variation reflects the fluctuations (+/-) in the West African unit of account (WAUA) relative to the national currency. Exchange rate variation should not exceed 10 percent.
  • Public Debt/GDP is a ratio of total public debt to Gross Domestic Product (DGP).
Sector Data Sets Tables Indicators
Convergence Criterial
Primary Convergence
Secondary Convergence
Primary Convergence
Secondary Convergence
Inflation (Period Average)
Fascal Deficit/GDP (Including Grant)
Central Bank Financing of Fiscal Deficit as a % of previous year tax Revenue
Gross external Reserves in months of imports Cover
Exchange Rate Variation
Public Dept-to-GDP Ratio

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the sum of gross value added of all resident producer units plus that part (possibly the total) of taxes on products, less subsidies on products, which is not included in the valuation of output.
  • Inflation Rate is the sustained rate at which the general price level of goods and services rise in an economy over the period. It is reported through the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which calculates the cost to purchase of a fixed basket of goods, as a way of determining how much inflation is occurring in the broad economy during a given time period.
  • Commodity Prices here refers to international prices of the Zone’s major traded commodities.
Sector Data sets Tables Indicators Sub-Indicators
Real Sector Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Output GDP at Constant Price  
Sectoral Output Agricultural Sector Output
Industrial Sector Output
Services Sector Output
Real GDP Growth Rate  
Sectoral Growth Rate Agricultural Sector Rate
Industrial Sector Rate
Services Sector Rate
Agricultural Sector (%)  
Industrial Sector (%)  
Services Sector Rate (%)  
GDP at Basic Price  
GDP at Market Price  
Commodity Prices Major  Commodity Prices Crude oil  
Peanuts (Groundnuts)  
Iron ore  
Inflation Inflation Rate End Period Inflation Rate  
Period Average Inflation Rate  

  • The Balance of Payments is a statistical statement that summarizes transactions between residents and nonresidents during a specific time period. It consists of the goods and services account, the primary income account, the secondary income account, the capital account, and the financial account. Under the double-entry accounting system that underlies the balance of payments, each transaction is recorded as consisting of two entries and the sum of the credit entries and the sum of the debit entries are the same.
  • International Investment Position (IIP) is a statement that shows at a point in time the value of: financial assets of residents of an economy that are claims on nonresidents or are gold bullion held as reserve assets; and the liabilities of residents of an economy to nonresidents.
  • International Trade Statistics are statistics on international trade transactions between residents and non-residents of an economy.
  • External Debt statistics is the reporting country’s liability to non-residents that requires payments (of principal and/or interest) in the future.
  • End Period Exchange Rate reflects the value of a nation's currency in terms of the currency of another nation or economic zone at a particular time period.
  • Remittance represents household income from foreign economies arising mainly from the temporary or permanent movement of people to those economies.
Sector Data sets Tables Indicators Sub-Indicators
External Sector Foreign trade International trade Exports Goods (x)
Services (x)
Imports  Goods (x)
Services (x)
External Debt Public External Debt General Government  
Central Government  
Non-Financial Public Sector  
Public Sector  
Balance of Payments (BoP) Balance of Payments Current Account Balance of Goods
Balance of Services
Primary Income (Net)
Secondary Income (Net)
Capital Account Capital Account Balance (Net)
Financial Account Foreign Direct investment (Net)
Portfolio Investment (Net)
Other Investment (Net)
Reserve Assets
Net Errors & Omissions  
Overall Balance  
Gross Foreign Reserve Position  
External Reserves in Months of Import cover  
Current Account Balance Excluding Grants  
Current Account Balance (% of GDP)  
Current Account Balance Excluding Grants (% of GDP)  
Balance of Trade in Goods (% of GDP)  
Capital Account Balance (% of GDP)  
Financial Account Balance (% of GDP)  
Nominal GDP  
Remittance Remittance Inward Remittance Formal
Outward Remittance Formal
Net Inward Remittance  
Exchange Rate End Period Exchange Rate End Period Exchange Rate  
End Period Exchange Rate  
International Investment Position (IIP) IIP Direct Investment  
Portfolio Investment  
Financial Derivatives and ESQs  
Other Investment  
Reserve Assets Monetary Gold

  • Government Fiscal Operations reflects government activities in the implementation of budgetary policies, such as revenue and expenditure measures, as well as issuance of public debt instruments and public debt management.
  • Public Debt Statistics refers to the public sector liabilities, which requires payment at a later date.
Sector Datasets Tables Indicators Sub - Indicators Sub – Indicators (o/w)
Fiscal Sector Fiscal Operations Fiscal Operations Revenue Domestic Revenue Tax revenue
Non-Tax revenue
Expenditure Current Expenditure Compensation of Employees
Payments for Goods and Services
Interest Payments
Capital Expenditure Domestic Capital Investment
Primary Balance    
Budget Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)(Including Grants Commitment Basis)    
Budget Deficit(-)/Surplus(+)(Excluding Grants Commitment Basis)    
Overall Balance (Including grant, Commitment Basis)    
Overall Balance (Including grant, Cash Basis)    
Net Lending (+)/Borrowing (-)    
Financing External  
Domestic Central Bank Financing
Others Financing
Public Debt Public Debt Public Debt (Total) Domestic Public Debt  
External Public Debt  

  • The Monetary Survey reflects the aggregated balance sheet of the banking system (all banks). It consolidates the data for the monetary authorities and deposit taking corporations.
  • Broad Money
    M1 and M2 money have several definitions, ranging from narrow to broad. M1 = coins and currency in circulation + checkable (demand) deposit + traveler's checks. M2 = M1 + savings deposits + money market funds + certificates of deposit + other time deposits.
    Thus, Broad money is the sum of all liquid financial instruments held by money-holding sectors that are widely accepted in an economy as a medium of exchange, plus those that can be converted into a medium of exchange at short notice at, or close to, their full nominal value.
  • Reserve Money is the value of currency holdings, precious metals, and other highly liquid assets used to redeem national currencies and bank deposits and to meet current and near-term financial obligations by a country’s central bank, government treasury, or other monetary authority.
  • The Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) is the rate that is set by the central bank’s monetary policy Committee to signal its policy stance.
  • The Lending Rate is the amount charged by lenders for a certain period as a percentage of the amount given out as loan.
Sector Datasets Tables Indicators Sub - Indicators Sub – Indicators (o/w)
Monetary Sector Monetary Survey Monetary Survey Net Foreign Assets Foreign Assets  
Foreign Liabilities  
Net Domestic Assets Domestic Credit Claims on Government (Net)
Other Items Net, (Asset +)
Broad Money Narrow Money Currency with Public
Demand Deposit
Quasi Money Time & Saving Deposit
Foreign Currency Deposit
Other Deposit
Reserve Money    
Monetary Policy Rate Monetary Policy Rate Monetary Policy Rate (MPR)    
Lending & Deposit Rate Lending & Deposit Rate Savings Deposit Rate    
Time Deposit Rate    
Lending Rate    
Treasury Bill Rate